Life time achievement award: Brad Pitt!

Ever since I saw the movie Thelma & Louise the now so renowned actor/producer/director Brad Pitt was in my teenage head the epitome of male beauty.  While Powerfem and I do recognize the many achievements of both his career and personal life, this blogpost is dedicated to Brad Pitt’s life time of being.. well… dead sexy!

From the early days…


To more recent years..




From the movie snatch.



And here, a perfect example of Obliquus Externus Abdominis





And here is a picture from a scene in the movie Troy that always gives me the “shivers”…

last ned


All in all, the Powerfem and I agree that Brad Pitt is MOST deserving of a life time achievement award in the category “Sex on Two Legs.”

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And eyes that can pierce you with a look…

Enjoy, little piggies!